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Stephen Ridley used to be the real Wall Street wolf: young, charismatic, big earner. One day he left a large investment bank and started playing piano in the streets of London. This is where the story of his success started. In the last five years the whole world learned about Stephen. He has toured across 60 countries earning 500,000 fans around the world. He has finally come to Moscow to open a local branch of his academy and bring his music over.
“Many artists surrender their dreams and get onto the treadmill of conventional life, often forfeiting years of practice and gigging, opting for consistency of earnings and lifestyle. Not Stephen Ridley, who in fact did the opposite: giving up a promising career in investment banking to follow his dream of being a successful artist.
Having seen Stephen perform several times, what grabs me is the way he feels the songs. Whether a cover or one of his own, you get the impression he was right there at the song’s inception, living the emotion expressed with every note and lyrics.
[/vc_text_img][vc_text_video text_video_config="video-text-var" text_background="text-background-white" link=""]He’s raw and edgy, and outlandishly cool with a complete abscence of airs and graces, but great live music shouldn’t be about polish and production – it shoul be about feeling, conveying emotion and drawing an audience in, and The talented Mr Ridley does that in spades.
That he’s a rather handsome chap will do nothing to blight an undoubtedly bright future but such is his personality and demeanour you don’t resent any of the attributes he’s been blessed with. Rather, you actually want him to be hugely successful.
He really is that great a guy. I hate him.”
[/vc_text_video][/vc_column][/vc_row]THANK YOU FOR YOUR INTEREST AND ATTENTION! We would be happy to discuss the possibility of the artist performing at your event.
We’re happy and ready to answer any questions you may have.
THANK YOU FOR YOUR INTEREST AND ATTENTION! We would be happy to discuss the possibility of the artist performing at your event.
We’re happy and ready to answer any questions you may have.
THANK YOU FOR YOUR INTEREST AND ATTENTION! We would be happy to discuss the possibility of the artist performing at your event.
We’re happy and ready to answer any questions you may have.
We would be happy to discuss the possibility of the artist performing at your event.
We’re happy and ready to answer any questions you may have.
We would be happy to discuss the possibility of the artist performing at your event.
We’re happy and ready to answer any questions you may have.
THANK YOU FOR YOUR INTEREST AND ATTENTION! We would be happy to discuss the possibility of the artist performing at your event.
We’re happy and ready to answer any questions you may have.
Berin Iglesias Art präsentiert einen der am meisten gefeierten und geliebten Künstler unserer Zeit:
Valery Meladze !
Er wird oft als "der letzte Romantiker" bezeichnet: Die unnachahmliche Stimme, das Charisma und das einzigartige Repertoire haben ihm die Bewunderung vieler Generationen sowie verschiedene Auszeichnungen eingebracht und seine Popularität steigt alljährlich.
Alle seine Lieder sind mit tiefsinnigen Inhalten gefüllt. Der Komponist und Schöpfer von Valery Meladzes Musik ist sein Bruder Konstantin. Das kreative Duo dieser beiden Brüder vereinigt eine signifikante Stimme von seltener Qualität mit dem Talent eines kreativen musikalischen Kopfes. Ihre Musik ist ein Beispiel für raffinierten Stil und Geschmack.
Ihre einzigartige kreative Zusammenarbeit ist international geschätzt: Die gemeinsam entstandenen Songs sind zu absoluten Top-Charts-Hits geworden, die ihren Platz in den Herzen von Millionen von Bewunderern finden.
Während dieser Europatour werden Sie sowohl altbekannte und beliebte Songs als auch neuen Kompositionen hören. Jeder einzelne dieser Songs ist eine separate Geschichte und Erinnerung, integriert in einen einzigartigen Konzertabend.
[/vc_text_img][/vc_column][/vc_row]We would be happy to discuss the possibility of the artist performing at your event.
We’re happy and ready to answer any questions you may have.
We would be happy to discuss the possibility of the artist performing at your event.
We’re happy and ready to answer any questions you may have.
We would be happy to discuss the possibility of the artist performing at your event.
We’re happy and ready to answer any questions you may have.